Soil and Groundwater Remediation Services

Soil & Groundwater Remediation
Soil & Groundwater Remediation

Soil & Groundwater Remediation

Hydro-GeoChemical has evaluated, selected, designed, prepared bid specifications, implemented, and installed/constructed numerous soil and groundwater remediation systems. Remedial activities have been performed as preliminary response actions (i.e., emergency response actions for oil discharges and initial response actions) and as part of a Remedial Action Plan. Remedial actions performed include but are not limited to the following: application of sorbent material to surface releases (soil and surface water), soil excavation and disposal, UST removal, light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) recovery, soil vapor extraction, air sparging, dual-phase extraction, enhanced bioremediation, chemical oxidation, pump and treat technologies, and monitored natural attenuation (MNA). Additionally, Hydro-GeoChemical has conducted bench-scale and pilot testing programs to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed remedial alternative.

The implementation of a specific remediation technology is based on site-specific conditions and setting (urban, commercial, industrial, etc.), the contaminant released to the environment, fate and transport considerations, migration pathways, receptor, and regulatory requirements. Hydro-GeoChemical has experience evaluating and using traditional and innovative treatment technologies that may be appropriate depending on site conditions. In some cases monitored natural attenuation (MNA) or enhanced MNA is a more appropriate for a site than implementing an active remediation system. Under the MNA scenario, regular monitoring and testing of dissolved phase groundwater contaminants are performed to ensure that natural degradation of contaminants is occurring. With enhanced MNA, the biological degradation processes are enhanced to more rapidly degrade the contaminants.

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