Litigation Support & Expert Testimony

Litigation Support & Expert Testimony
Litigation Support & Expert Testimony

Litigation Support & Expert Testimony

Provides Litigation Support & Expert Testimony to assist clients in critiquing opposing witness testimony and developing case strategies that are based on reliable and proven scientific principles and methodologies. Evaluated data regarding site hydrogeology and contaminant fate and transport processes to assess the relative contributions of the contaminant sources, and the feasibility and costs of potential remedial alternatives. Prepared expert reports and provided depositions and expert witness testimony for litigation regarding the timing and ongoing nature of the site contamination; providing technical support for client involved in litigation related to economic damages associated with groundwater contamination. Performed a thorough review of technical reports and correspondence, reviewed and evaluated the chemical processes that occurred at each facility, and performed a detailed data evaluation regarding the presence, nature, and extent of soil and groundwater contamination and sources that contributed to the releases. Additional litigation support involved preparing technical questions asked during the depositions, attending opposing counsel depositions (expert witness), and reviewing technical documents/reports prepared by opposing counsel’s expert witness. Helped clients, judges, and attorneys understand the technical aspects of the environmental litigation case by clearly explaining the findings of the data review and interpretation.

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